518040 AlphaChamp Square 1
518040 AlphaChamp Square 2
518040 AlphaChamp Square 3
518040 AlphaChamp Square 4
518040 AlphaChamp Square 1
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Triple Trampoline ALPHA CHAMP (patent pending)
High Quality Welded Stainless Steel Tubing
With improved functionality and a modern design, the LRT-Triple trampoline complements the features of traditional trampolines and enhances the range of use and measurable training effects. The symmetrically arranged, lateral jumping surfaces improve dynamic mobility and allow demanding combinations of lateral jump routines to be performed.
The innovative and one-of-a-kind equipment design offers a variety of training options. Specialized training methods developed by ALPHA CHAMPTM enable targeted exercise routines for particular sports to be trained in a coordinated way. The forms of training are easy on the joints, but can be designed to be more demanding in terms of balance, coordination, and intensity. Using lateral jumping surfaces results in altered muscle activity and kinematics. This not only improves the performance of the cardiovascular system by training diverse muscle groups, but has a positive effect on all motor skills and abilities such as stamina, strength, flexibility, speed, dexterity, and coordination.
The intensity or load range can be easily controlled by rhythmically alternating periods of exertion and rest, that is, by alternating contact and flight phases (Rebounding). Thus, the LRT-Triple trampoline has a broad range of applications as a high-quality training device for gyms and sport facilities: from primary health-oriented fitness training to the fields of performance training, training therapy, prevention, and rehabilitation – it impresses its users with the variety and enjoyment it offers those taking part in both individual workouts and group fitness training.
Maximum - Single User - Body Weight 150kgs
Frame and Mat - 3 years
Elastic Rebound Ropes - 6 months
Dimensions When Boxed
90cm x 90cm x 40cm and 40 Kg
Assembly instructions included - very easy to assemble.
Alpha Champ Lateral Rebounder